plum Color


plum Color Tint & Shades

The History, Psychology, and Symbolism of Plum Color

Plum color is a deep, rich purple that is often associated with royalty, luxury, and sophistication. It is a versatile color that can be used in a variety of ways, from fashion to home décor.

In this article, we will explore the history, psychology, and symbolism of plum color. We will also discuss how to use plum color in your own home décor and fashion choices.

The color plum is thought to have originated in ancient Greece, where it was associated with the goddess Aphrodite. The Romans also associated plum color with luxury and royalty.

In the Middle Ages, plum color was often used in religious art to represent the Passion of Christ. It was also used in heraldry, representing strength and courage.

In the 17th century, plum color became popular in fashion. It was often worn by wealthy and powerful people, such as royalty and nobility.

Plum color is often associated with the following emotions:

  • Luxury
  • Sophistication
  • Power
  • Strength
  • Passion
  • Intimacy
  • Mystery

Plum color can also be calming and relaxing. It is a good choice for bedrooms and other spaces where you want to create a sense of peace and tranquility.

Plum color has a variety of symbolic meanings, including:

  • Royalty
  • Luxury
  • Sophistication
  • Power
  • Strength
  • Passion
  • Intimacy
  • Mystery
  • Death
  • Rebirth

Plum color is often used in funerals, representing the transition from life to death. It can also be used to represent rebirth, as the plum tree is a symbol of new beginnings.

How to Use Plum Color in Your Home Décor

Plum color can be used in a variety of ways in your home décor. Here are a few ideas:

  • Paint your walls plum color.
  • Add plum-colored furniture to your living room or bedroom.
  • Use plum-colored accents, such as pillows, rugs, and throw blankets.
  • Add plum-colored flowers to your home décor.

Plum color is a versatile color that can be used in a variety of ways. With a little creativity, you can use plum color to create a beautiful and stylish home décor.

How to Use Plum Color in Your Fashion Choices

Plum color can also be used in your fashion choices. Here are a few ideas:

  • Wear a plum-colored dress or blouse.
  • Add a plum-colored scarf or belt to your outfit.
  • Pair plum-colored shoes with black or white pants.
  • Wear plum-colored nail polish.

Plum color is a bold color, so it is important to use it in moderation. If you are not sure how to wear plum color, start with small accessories or accents. Once you get used to the color, you can start wearing more of it.


Plum color is a beautiful and versatile color that can be used in a variety of ways. With a little creativity, you can use plum color to create a stylish and sophisticated home décor or fashion statement.

Color Accessibility Scores

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