Lavender & Pink Pastels Color Scheme

The Lavender & Pink Pastels Color Scheme palette has 6 colors which are Floral Lavender, Bright Lavender, Lavender Blush, Light Red, Cherry Blossom Pink and Carnation Pink.

Lavender & Pink Pastels color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex


Hex color: #b984df
RGB color: 185 132 223


Hex color: #c095e4
RGB color: 192 149 228


Hex color: #fcedf2
RGB color: 252 237 242


Hex color: #ffd1d4
RGB color: 255 209 212


Hex color: #ffb7c5
RGB color: 255 183 197


Hex color: #ffa0c5
RGB color: 255 160 197
  • #b984df
  • #c095e4
  • #fcedf2
  • #ffd1d4
  • #ffb7c5
  • #ffa0c5

Lavender & Pink Pastels Palette Download

Download the Lavender & Pink Pastels color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.