1940s #2 Color Scheme

The 1940s #2 Color Scheme palette has 4 colors which are Deep Champagne, Light Yellow, Turquoise Green and English Lavender.

1940s #2 color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex


Hex color: #f6d6a9
RGB color: 246 214 169


Hex color: #fefce2
RGB color: 254 252 226


Hex color: #9dcfb4
RGB color: 157 207 180


Hex color: #ad8897
RGB color: 173 136 151
  • #f6d6a9
  • #fefce2
  • #9dcfb4
  • #ad8897

1940s #2 Palette Download

Download the 1940s #2 color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.