Archibald Microbrewery Image Source

Archibald Microbrewery Color Scheme

Archibald Microbrewery uses a rainbow of colors, but the palette is surprisingly beautiful. With colors all in similar saturations and following a theme visually, it comes together pretty seamlessly.


Archibald Microbrewery color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex


Hex color: #d81c23
RGB color: 216 28 35


Hex color: #4fa8c2
RGB color: 79 168 194


Hex color: #d97441
RGB color: 217 116 65


Hex color: #d29849
RGB color: 210 152 73
  • #d81c23
  • #4fa8c2
  • #d97441
  • #d29849

Archibald Microbrewery Palette Download

Download the Archibald Microbrewery color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.