Berries Galore Color Scheme

These luscious multi-berry colors can be used all at once or, depending on your project, two or three at a time. For example, you can go for a monochromatic effect with just the first three.


Berries Galore color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex


Hex color: #bb1924
RGB color: 187 25 36


Hex color: #ed6c82
RGB color: 237 108 130


Hex color: #ef92a5
RGB color: 239 146 165


Hex color: #787ca9
RGB color: 120 124 169


Hex color: #afb9dc
RGB color: 175 185 220
  • #bb1924
  • #ed6c82
  • #ef92a5
  • #787ca9
  • #afb9dc

Berries Galore Palette Download

Download the Berries Galore color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.