Blue, maroon, & indigo Color Scheme

Blue, maroon, and indigo form another gorgeous futuristic analogous color scheme. These shades of blue paired with maroon communicate the same serenity and trustworthiness found in the color blue, with a twist from the inclusion of maroon. Consider this color scheme for any product or brand in the tech industry.

Blue, maroon, & indigo color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex


Hex color: #408ec6
RGB color: 64 142 198


Hex color: #7a2048
RGB color: 122 32 72


Hex color: #1e2761
RGB color: 30 39 97
  • #408ec6
  • #7a2048
  • #1e2761

Blue, maroon, & indigo Palette Download

Download the Blue, maroon, & indigo color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.