Cherry red & bubblegum pink Image

Cherry Red and Bubblegum Pink: A Color Scheme of Playful Energy and Sweet Delight

Cherry red and bubblegum pink, like cherry red and off-white, form a fun analogous color pairing. This combo creates a surprising and gorgeous high contrast, which is great for bold product or logo design.

Cherry red & bubblegum pink color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex


Hex color: #cc313d
RGB color: 204 49 61


Hex color: #f7c5cc
RGB color: 247 197 204
  • #cc313d
  • #f7c5cc

Cherry red & bubblegum pink Palette Download

Download the Cherry red & bubblegum pink color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Cherry Red and Bubblegum Pink: A Color Scheme of Playful Energy and Sweet Delight

In the realm of color psychology, certain hues hold the power to evoke emotions, establish brand identities, and create lasting impressions. The combination of cherry red and bubblegum pink is no exception. This vibrant color scheme sparkles with playful energy, sweet delight, and a touch of nostalgia, making it a versatile tool for designers and marketers seeking to capture the hearts and minds of their audiences.

A Symphony of Contrast, Vibrancy, and Joy

The juxtaposition of cherry red and bubblegum pink creates a striking visual contrast that immediately commands attention. Cherry red, a bold and passionate hue, exudes excitement, confidence, and a touch of daring. Bubblegum pink, on the other hand, brings a touch of sweetness, innocence, and femininity to the palette. Together, these two shades create a harmonious balance of energy and playfulness, evoking feelings of joy, excitement, and a sense of carefree abandon.

A Versatile Color Scheme for Diverse Applications

The cherry red and bubblegum pink color scheme is incredibly versatile, effortlessly adapting to a wide range of design applications. Whether gracing the packaging of a playful children’s toy or adorning the walls of a trendy nightclub, this vibrant combination consistently captivates audiences and sets a playful tone.

Marketing and Branding Applications

In the world of marketing, cherry red and bubblegum pink are often used to create eye-catching advertisements, packaging designs, and product displays. The bold energy of cherry red grabs attention, while the sweetness of bubblegum pink instills a sense of delight and approachability. This combination is particularly effective for targeting younger demographics, evoking feelings of nostalgia and creating a sense of fun and excitement.

Fashion and Design Applications

In the realm of fashion and design, cherry red and bubblegum pink can add a touch of vibrancy and whimsy to clothing, accessories, and interior spaces. The bold contrast between the two hues creates a visually striking statement, while the overall palette exudes a sense of playfulness and youthful energy.

Psychological Impact and Audience Resonance

The combination of cherry red and bubblegum pink resonates with audiences of all ages, from children to adults. Cherry red’s association with passion, excitement, and love appeals to a desire for adventure and self-expression, while bubblegum pink’s connection to innocence, sweetness, and nostalgia evokes a sense of comfort and familiarity.

Emotional Connection and Brand Identity

Brands that incorporate cherry red and bubblegum pink into their color schemes effectively establish themselves as playful, energetic, and approachable. This color combination can help brands connect with their target audience on an emotional level, creating a sense of familiarity and fostering positive associations with their brand.


The cherry red and bubblegum pink color scheme stands as a testament to the power of color to evoke emotions, establish brand identities, and create lasting impressions. This vibrant combination, with its playful energy, sweet delight, and touch of nostalgia, continues to captivate audiences worldwide, making it a versatile tool for designers and marketers seeking to connect with consumers on a deeper level.