Children With Pastels Color Scheme

The Children With Pastels Color Scheme palette has 5 colors which are Light Steel Blue, Queen Pink, Light Goldenrod Yellow, Tea Green and Crystal.

Children With Pastels color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex


Hex color: #b3c7df
RGB color: 179 199 223


Hex color: #f0ccdc
RGB color: 240 204 220


Hex color: #f4f5d2
RGB color: 244 245 210


Hex color: #c6efca
RGB color: 198 239 202


Hex color: #a0dedd
RGB color: 160 222 221
  • #b3c7df
  • #f0ccdc
  • #f4f5d2
  • #c6efca
  • #a0dedd

Children With Pastels Palette Download

Download the Children With Pastels color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.