Classic and Retro Color Scheme

This combination of mostly dark colors–from a dark grayish cyan and a dark moderate red to a dark orange–make this combination ideal for a subdued look. For simpler designs, you can also choose to use only the top three colors.


Classic and Retro color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex


Hex color: #a7424a
RGB color: 167 66 74


Hex color: #282725
RGB color: 40 39 37


Hex color: #6b8a82
RGB color: 107 138 130


Hex color: #a27c27
RGB color: 162 124 39


Hex color: #563838
RGB color: 86 56 56
  • #a7424a
  • #282725
  • #6b8a82
  • #a27c27
  • #563838

Classic and Retro Palette Download

Download the Classic and Retro color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.