Earthy and Natural Color Scheme

This mix of leafy greens and browns is ideal for any design related to the environment, sustainability, nature or wildlife.


Earthy and Natural color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex


Hex color: #e4ebf3
RGB color: 228 235 243


Hex color: #51723b
RGB color: 81 114 59


Hex color: #84a459
RGB color: 132 164 89


Hex color: #828b70
RGB color: 130 139 112


Hex color: #715e4f
RGB color: 113 94 79
  • #e4ebf3
  • #51723b
  • #84a459
  • #828b70
  • #715e4f

Earthy and Natural Palette Download

Download the Earthy and Natural color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.