Gradient In Retro Color Scheme

The Gradient In Retro Color Scheme palette has 6 colors which are Old Mauve, Amaranth Deep Purple, Cerise, Fiery Rose, Rajah and Jasmine.

Gradient In Retro color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex


Hex color: #631c48
RGB color: 99 28 72


Hex color: #9f265c
RGB color: 159 38 92


Hex color: #cf2967
RGB color: 207 41 103


Hex color: #cf2967
RGB color: 207 41 103


Hex color: #f15b67
RGB color: 241 91 103


Hex color: #fdb25f
RGB color: 253 178 95


Hex color: #fed883
RGB color: 254 216 131
  • #631c48
  • #9f265c
  • #cf2967
  • #cf2967
  • #f15b67
  • #fdb25f
  • #fed883

Gradient In Retro Palette Download

Download the Gradient In Retro color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.