Inspirational and Romantic Color Scheme

This beautiful picture of a breathtaking sunset inspired this palette comprised of dark pinks, violets and reds.


Inspirational and Romantic color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex


Hex color: #a2445e
RGB color: 162 68 94


Hex color: #872f55
RGB color: 135 47 85


Hex color: #0c050d
RGB color: 12 5 13


Hex color: #2b1a3e
RGB color: 43 26 62


Hex color: #d63c3c
RGB color: 214 60 60
  • #a2445e
  • #872f55
  • #0c050d
  • #2b1a3e
  • #d63c3c

Inspirational and Romantic Palette Download

Download the Inspirational and Romantic color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.