Mustard Sage & Forest Green Color Scheme

In stark contrast to the above-mentioned cotton, candy colors are the rugged and earthy mustard, sage, and forest green. These three colors come together to form the ultimate earth-tone color palette. These colors are perfect for natural brands and suitable for logo design, web design, product design, and packaging.

Mustard Sage & Forest Green color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex


Hex color: #e3b448
RGB color: 227 180 72


Hex color: #cbd18f
RGB color: 203 209 143


Hex color: #3a6b35
RGB color: 58 107 53
  • #e3b448
  • #cbd18f
  • #3a6b35

Mustard Sage & Forest Green Palette Download

Download the Mustard Sage & Forest Green color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.