Refreshing and Invigorating Color Scheme

This breathtaking image of a stone arch in a national park inspired this cheerful and fun color scheme, which is sure to add a sizable dose of life and vitality to your design.


Refreshing and Invigorating color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex


Hex color: #003c72
RGB color: 0 60 114


Hex color: #0778a4
RGB color: 7 120 164


Hex color: #1ecfd5
RGB color: 30 207 213


Hex color: #edd170
RGB color: 237 209 112


Hex color: #bf5640
RGB color: 191 86 64
  • #003c72
  • #0778a4
  • #1ecfd5
  • #edd170
  • #bf5640

Refreshing and Invigorating Palette Download

Download the Refreshing and Invigorating color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.