Retro Spring #2 Color Scheme

The Retro Spring #2 Color Scheme palette has 6 colors which are Copper Penny, Chinese Violet, Light Taupe, Dark Vanilla, Artichoke and Axolotl.

Retro Spring #2 color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex


Hex color: #a66b6b
RGB color: 166 107 107


Hex color: #815e85
RGB color: 129 94 133


Hex color: #af8d6c
RGB color: 175 141 108


Hex color: #cfc499
RGB color: 207 196 153


Hex color: #8b9d72
RGB color: 139 157 114


Hex color: #698160
RGB color: 105 129 96
  • #a66b6b
  • #815e85
  • #af8d6c
  • #cfc499
  • #8b9d72
  • #698160

Retro Spring #2 Palette Download

Download the Retro Spring #2 color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.