Retro Vibrant Rainbow Color Scheme

The Retro Vibrant Rainbow Color Scheme palette has 6 colors which are Lapis Lazuli, Polished Pine, Yellow Orange, Cadmium Orange, Candy Pink and Mountbatten Pink.

Retro Vibrant Rainbow color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex


Hex color: #267a9e
RGB color: 38 122 158


Hex color: #51a885
RGB color: 81 168 133


Hex color: #f5a936
RGB color: 245 169 54


Hex color: #ed8c37
RGB color: 237 140 55


Hex color: #db7476
RGB color: 219 116 118


Hex color: #986b9b
RGB color: 152 107 155
  • #267a9e
  • #51a885
  • #f5a936
  • #ed8c37
  • #db7476
  • #986b9b

Retro Vibrant Rainbow Palette Download

Download the Retro Vibrant Rainbow color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.