Royal blue & peach Image

Royal Blue & Peach Color Scheme: A Symphony of Elegance and Serenity

Combining blue and pink creates a nice balance. Where pink often has a softer, spring-like pastel aesthetic, blue has hints of maturity — creating a duality in the color combination.

Royal blue & peach color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex


Hex color: #2f3c7e
RGB color: 47 60 126


Hex color: #fbeaeb
RGB color: 251 234 235
  • #2f3c7e
  • #fbeaeb

Royal blue & peach Palette Download

Download the Royal blue & peach color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Royal Blue & Peach Color Scheme: Unveiling a Symphony of Elegance and Serenity

A Timeless and Enduring Pairing

The royal blue and peach color scheme stands as an epitome of timeless elegance and serenity, captivating designers and homeowners alike with its ability to create inviting and visually appealing spaces that transcend trends. This harmonious blend of boldness and tranquility has graced homes for generations, embodying a sense of sophistication that never goes out of style.

Symbolism and Essence

The royal blue and peach color scheme draws its allure from the unique characteristics of each hue. Royal blue, often associated with royalty and authority, lends an air of sophistication and grandeur to any interior. Peach, reminiscent of ripe summer fruits and the warmth of a sunset, introduces a touch of cheerfulness, tranquility, and vitality.

Crafting a Well-Balanced Ensemble

The key to achieving a harmonious royal blue and peach color scheme lies in carefully balancing the intensity of these two hues. Royal blue, being the bolder accent, should be used sparingly, while peach can serve as the primary wall color or be incorporated into soft furnishings, décor accents, and artwork.

Versatility in Interior Design

This color combination seamlessly adapts to a wide range of design styles, from traditional and classic to contemporary and modern. In traditional settings, the richness of royal blue complements the elegance of peach, creating a sense of depth and sophistication. In contemporary spaces, the bold contrast between the two hues adds a touch of stylish dynamism.

Incorporating Elegance and Tranquility

The royal blue and peach color scheme seamlessly integrates into various home décor elements:

Walls: Painting one or more walls in royal blue or peach establishes a dramatic focal point or sets a calming backdrop.

Furniture: Upholstering furniture in royal blue or peach elevates the ambiance of any room, exuding sophistication and style.

Accents: Introducing royal blue or peach accents through throw pillows, curtains, artwork, or decorative items adds vibrancy and visual interest.

Décor Elements: Decorative accents like vases, candles, or tablecloths in royal blue or peach complement the overall color scheme, creating a sense of cohesiveness.


The royal blue and peach color scheme stands as a testament to the enduring power of timeless design. Its rich symbolism and harmonious blend of bold and calming hues make it a popular choice for interior designers, homeowners, and anyone seeking to create elegant, serene, and inviting spaces. Embrace the beauty of this enduring pairing, and let it transform your home into a haven of sophistication and tranquility.