Serene and Relaxing Color Scheme

This soothing color palette brings to mind a relaxing walk alongside a beach shore, with the wind running through your hair. Its range of greens with gray undertones makes this a perfect scheme for a variety of projects.


Serene and Relaxing color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex


Hex color: #5b3d45
RGB color: 91 61 69


Hex color: #5b868d
RGB color: 91 134 141


Hex color: #98bfaa
RGB color: 152 191 170


Hex color: #c8d5cb
RGB color: 200 213 203


Hex color: #e7f5de
RGB color: 231 245 222
  • #5b3d45
  • #5b868d
  • #98bfaa
  • #c8d5cb
  • #e7f5de

Serene and Relaxing Palette Download

Download the Serene and Relaxing color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.