Simple Soft Pastels Color Scheme

The Simple Soft Pastels Color Scheme palette has 6 colors which are Mimi Pink, Non-Photo Blue, Antique White, Milk, Apricot and Pale Chestnut.

Simple Soft Pastels color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex


Hex color: #fdd6ea
RGB color: 253 214 234


Hex color: #9cd8ee
RGB color: 156 216 238


Hex color: #f8f1d4
RGB color: 248 241 212


Hex color: #fffdf5
RGB color: 255 253 245


Hex color: #f6cfb9
RGB color: 246 207 185


Hex color: #e4b5b2
RGB color: 228 181 178
  • #fdd6ea
  • #9cd8ee
  • #f8f1d4
  • #fffdf5
  • #f6cfb9
  • #e4b5b2

Simple Soft Pastels Palette Download

Download the Simple Soft Pastels color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.