Sweet Romance Color Scheme

The Sweet Romance Color Scheme palette has 6 colors which are Orchid Pink, Champagne, Sandy Tan, Ceil, Gainsboro and Linen.

Sweet Romance color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex


Hex color: #f0c2c9
RGB color: 240 194 201


Hex color: #f3e7cf
RGB color: 243 231 207


Hex color: #fbd3b8
RGB color: 251 211 184


Hex color: #9a9ac6
RGB color: 154 154 198


Hex color: #dfdedd
RGB color: 223 222 221


Hex color: #fcf2e1
RGB color: 252 242 225
  • #f0c2c9
  • #f3e7cf
  • #fbd3b8
  • #9a9ac6
  • #dfdedd
  • #fcf2e1

Sweet Romance Palette Download

Download the Sweet Romance color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.