Swiss Meadows Color Scheme

The dark blue combined with the gold and bronze in this combination are often seen in the official colors of school teams. The pink, however, adds a unique and colorful touch that can be used to make your design stand out.


Swiss Meadows color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex


Hex color: #bd3e85
RGB color: 189 62 133


Hex color: #192758
RGB color: 25 39 88


Hex color: #121f41
RGB color: 18 31 65


Hex color: #d59b2d
RGB color: 213 155 45


Hex color: #8d541d
RGB color: 141 84 29
  • #bd3e85
  • #192758
  • #121f41
  • #d59b2d
  • #8d541d

Swiss Meadows Palette Download

Download the Swiss Meadows color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.