Vintage 1950s Color Scheme

For a classic, retro look that elicits a bit of nostalgia, here’s a unique combination of a slightly desaturated blue and orange, at the top and bottom, and a strong cyan and soft yellow.


Vintage 1950s color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex


Hex color: #80add7
RGB color: 128 173 215


Hex color: #0abda0
RGB color: 10 189 160


Hex color: #ebf2ea
RGB color: 235 242 234


Hex color: #d4dca9
RGB color: 212 220 169


Hex color: #bf9d7a
RGB color: 191 157 122
  • #80add7
  • #0abda0
  • #ebf2ea
  • #d4dca9
  • #bf9d7a

Vintage 1950s Palette Download

Download the Vintage 1950s color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.