Penguin Books Colors: A Colorful Journey Through Literary History

The Penguin Books colors are Penguin Safety Orange (Blaze Orange), we recommend using the Penguin Books color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Penguin Books Official Website

Penguin Books color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #ff6900
RGB Color: 255 105 0
  • #ff6900

Penguin Books color Palette Download

Download the Penguin Books color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Penguin Books Colors: A Colorful Journey Through Literary History

Penguin Books stands as a beacon of literary heritage, accessibility, and the enduring power of storytelling. Its distinctive logo, a stylized penguin, has become synonymous with the brand, representing quality, affordability, and a commitment to bringing great stories to readers worldwide. Penguin's color palette, a harmonious blend of orange, green, and white, has played a significant role in shaping the brand's identity and resonating with generations of book lovers.

A Symbol of Literary Heritage: Embracing Simplicity and Universality

At the heart of Penguin's color palette lies the iconic orange, officially known as "Penguin Orange" or "PMS 165 C." This vibrant hue evokes feelings of warmth, creativity, and a touch of nostalgia. The use of orange is prominent in Penguin's branding elements, book covers, and marketing materials, creating a visually striking and instantly recognizable brand identity.

A Touch of Renewal and Growth: Adding a Splash of Green

Complementing the vibrant orange is the refreshing shade of green, officially known as "Penguin Green" or "PMS 368 C." This energizing hue represents renewal, growth, and a connection to nature. Green is often used in Penguin's branding elements, marketing materials, and particularly in the Penguin Green imprint, which focuses on environmental and sustainability issues.

A Sense of Purity and Simplicity: Balancing with White

Balancing the vibrant orange and energizing green is the timeless hue of white. This versatile shade represents purity, simplicity, and a sense of balance. White is often used in Penguin's branding elements, book covers, and marketing materials, providing a neutral backdrop for the bolder colors and adding a touch of elegance.

A Palette that Resonates with Readers Worldwide

Penguin's choice of colors is not merely aesthetic; it is strategically chosen to evoke feelings of literary heritage, accessibility, and the enduring power of storytelling. The combination of orange, green, and white aligns with the brand's core values and its vision of making great literature accessible to readers worldwide.

Color as a Storytelling Tool

Penguin's color palette is also used to tell a story about the brand. The vibrant orange represents the brand's rich literary heritage, its commitment to innovation, and its passion for bringing great stories to life. The refreshing green signifies the brand's dedication to growth, its connection to the world around us, and its commitment to sustainable practices. The timeless white adds a touch of simplicity, universality, and the enduring appeal of storytelling. Together, these colors create a narrative that aligns with Penguin's core values and its vision of shaping the future of literature.

A Color Palette that Transcends Trends

Unlike many design trends that come and go, Penguin's color palette has remained remarkably consistent throughout the brand's history. This enduring appeal lies in the colors' ability to transcend fleeting trends and embody the timeless values that Penguin represents. The vibrant orange exudes feelings of warmth, creativity, and the enduring appeal of great literature. The refreshing green adds a touch of vitality, innovation, and the brand's connection to the world around us. The timeless white provides balance, versatility, and the enduring power of storytelling.


In conclusion, Penguin Books' color palette is more than just a visual representation of a publishing house; it is a powerful storytelling tool that reinforces the brand's values, resonates with its global audience, and contributes to its remarkable success. Through its masterful use of color, Penguin has established itself as a beacon of literary heritage, accessibility, and the enduring power of storytelling, inspiring generations of readers to discover the joy and transformative power of great literature. As Penguin continues to expand its global reach, introduce new titles, and embrace new forms of storytelling, its iconic color palette will remain a symbol of literary excellence, accessibility, and the enduring promise of captivating stories that connect us all.