Coors Light Colors

The Coors Light colors are Coors Light Philippine Red, Coors Light Chinese Silver, Coors Light Sonic Silver, we recommend using the Coors Light color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Coors Light Official Website

Coors Light color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #c2112f
RGB Color: 194 17 47
Hex Color: #cbc8c7
RGB Color: 203 200 199
Hex Color: #757373
RGB Color: 117 115 115
  • #c2112f
  • #cbc8c7
  • #757373

Coors Light color Palette Download

Download the Coors Light color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Coors Light is a light beer that is brewed by the Coors Brewing Company in Golden, Colorado. The brand is known for its distinctive blue mountains logo, which is featured on the company's beer cans and bottles. The colors used in the Coors Light logo and branding are carefully chosen to evoke a sense of freshness, refreshment, and the Rocky Mountains.

The primary color used in the Coors Light logo is red. Red is a warm color that is often associated with excitement, passion, and energy. It is also the color of the Rocky Mountains, which are the inspiration for the Coors Light brand. The red in the Coors Light logo is used to create a sense of excitement and vitality.

The secondary colors used in the Coors Light logo are silver and gray. Silver is a cool color that is often associated with purity, cleanliness, and sophistication. Gray is a neutral color that is often used to create a sense of balance and harmony. The silver and gray in the Coors Light logo are used to create a sense of freshness and cleanliness.

The colors used in the Coors Light logo are also used in the brand's packaging. The beer cans are silver, with a blue mountain range running down the side. The bottles are clear, with a blue label that features the Coors Light logo. The use of these colors in the packaging helps to create a consistent brand identity and to reinforce the message of freshness and refreshment.

In addition to the colors used in the logo and packaging, Coors Light also uses a variety of other colors in its marketing materials. These colors are often used to create a sense of excitement, fun, and adventure. For example, the company's website uses a variety of bright colors, such as orange, yellow, and green. These colors are used to create a sense of energy and excitement, and to appeal to a younger target audience.

The colors used in Coors Light branding are carefully chosen to create a sense of freshness, refreshment, and the Rocky Mountains. The use of these colors helps to create a consistent brand identity and to reinforce the message of the Coors Light brand.