People’s United Financial Colors

The People’s United Financial colors are People’s United Catalina Blue, People’s United Vivid Burgundy, we recommend using the People’s United Financial color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. People’s United Financial Official Website

People’s United Financial color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #002d72
RGB Color: 0 45 114
Hex Color: #9d2235
RGB Color: 157 34 53
  • #002d72
  • #9d2235

People’s United Financial color Palette Download

Download the People’s United Financial color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

People's United Financial: A Brand Built on Blue

People's United Financial is a regional bank with a long history in the Northeast. The company's brand colors are a key part of its identity, and they help to convey the values of trust, stability, and community.

The primary color in the People's United Financial brand is blue. Blue is often associated with trustworthiness, security, and dependability. These are all qualities that are important to customers when choosing a financial institution. The blue color is also used in the company's logo, which features a stylized "P" in a blue circle.

The secondary color in the People's United Financial brand is green. Green is often associated with growth, prosperity, and the environment. These are all qualities that the company strives for in its business practices. The green color is used in the company's website and marketing materials, and it helps to create a sense of optimism and hope.

The People's United Financial brand colors are carefully chosen to reflect the company's values and mission. The blue color conveys trust and stability, while the green color represents growth and prosperity. These colors help to create a positive and welcoming image for the company, and they make it easy for customers to identify with the brand.

In addition to blue and green, the People's United Financial brand also uses other colors, such as white, black, and yellow. These colors are used to create a sense of balance and harmony in the brand's overall visual identity.

The People's United Financial brand colors are an important part of the company's identity. They help to convey the company's values and mission, and they make it easy for customers to identify with the brand. The colors are also used consistently across the company's marketing materials, website, and physical locations. This helps to create a cohesive and memorable brand experience for customers.

Why Blue is the Go-To Color for Financial Brands

As mentioned earlier, blue is the primary color in the People's United Financial brand. This is no coincidence, as blue is often considered to be the best color for financial brands.

There are a few reasons why blue is so popular for financial brands. First, blue is associated with trust and security. These are two qualities that are essential for customers when choosing a financial institution. Second, blue is a calming color that can help to put customers at ease. This is important for financial brands, as customers often feel anxious when dealing with their finances. Finally, blue is a versatile color that can be used in a variety of ways. This makes it a good choice for financial brands that want to create a consistent and cohesive brand identity.


The People's United Financial brand colors are an important part of the company's identity. They help to convey the company's values and mission, and they make it easy for customers to identify with the brand. The colors are also used consistently across the company's marketing materials, website, and physical locations. This helps to create a cohesive and memorable brand experience for customers.

If you are looking for a financial institution that you can trust, then People's United Financial is a good option. The company's blue and green brand colors reflect its commitment to trust, security, and growth.