Fairtrade International Colors

The Fairtrade International colors are Fairtrade International Pear, Fairtrade International Cyan (Process), we recommend using the Fairtrade International color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Fairtrade International Official Website

Fairtrade International color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #cdd42a
RGB Color: 205 212 42
Hex Color: #00b0db
RGB Color: 0 176 219
  • #cdd42a
  • #00b0db
  • #010202

Fairtrade International color Palette Download

Download the Fairtrade International color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

The Colors of Fairtrade

Fairtrade International is a non-profit organization that works to ensure better trading conditions for farmers and workers in developing countries. The organization's brand colors are blue and green, which are meant to evoke feelings of trust, sustainability, and hope.

The blue color in the Fairtrade logo represents the sky and the ocean, which are both important sources of food and livelihood for many people around the world. The green color represents the earth and the plants that grow on it, which are also essential for life.

The combination of blue and green is meant to represent the Fairtrade movement's commitment to sustainability and social justice. The colors also work well together to create a sense of balance and harmony.

In addition to the blue and green colors, Fairtrade also uses white, black, and gray in its branding. White is used as a background color, as a backdrop for the Fairtrade logo and for type. Black and dark gray are mainly used for type.

The brighter colors from the secondary color palette should be used to add vibrancy to Fairtrade communications. They may be used for headlines, illustrations, and as color blocks. Solid color blocks may be used to complement photography, for example, by picking up on a dominant color in the photograph to create impact and vibrancy.

The use of specific colors in Fairtrade branding is carefully considered. The colors are meant to be both visually appealing and meaningful, and they help to create a sense of trust and credibility for the organization.

Fairtrade Products

Fairtrade International certifies a wide variety of products, including coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, bananas, flowers, and gold. These products are all produced under fair trade standards, which means that farmers and workers receive a fair price for their goods and have access to better working conditions.

When you see the Fairtrade logo on a product, you can be sure that it has been produced in a way that is fair to farmers and workers. You can also be sure that the product is of high quality, as Fairtrade standards require that products meet certain quality criteria.

How to Use Fairtrade Colors

If you are interested in using Fairtrade colors in your own branding, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, you must obtain permission from Fairtrade International. You can do this by contacting the organization's licensing department.

Once you have permission to use Fairtrade colors, you must follow the organization's guidelines for using the colors. These guidelines specify the exact Pantone colors that should be used, as well as the minimum size that the Fairtrade logo must be displayed at.

By following Fairtrade International's guidelines, you can help to ensure that your use of the organization's colors is both accurate and respectful. You can also help to promote the Fairtrade movement and its mission to create a more just and sustainable world.


The colors of Fairtrade International are an important part of the organization's branding. The colors are meant to evoke feelings of trust, sustainability, and hope, and they help to create a sense of identity for the Fairtrade movement.

If you are interested in using Fairtrade colors in your own branding, you must obtain permission from Fairtrade International and follow the organization's guidelines. By doing so, you can help to promote the Fairtrade movement and its mission to create a more just and sustainable world.