Bath & Body Works Colors

The Bath & Body Works colors are Bath & Body Works USAFA Blue, we recommend using the Bath & Body Works color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Bath & Body Works Official Website

Bath & Body Works color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #005699
RGB Color: 0 86 153
  • #005699

Bath & Body Works color Palette Download

Download the Bath & Body Works color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Bath & Body Works: A Look at Their Brand Colors

Bath & Body Works is a popular American retailer of body care products, home fragrances, and other gift items. The company's branding is instantly recognizable, thanks in part to its distinctive use of color.

The most iconic color in the Bath & Body Works brand palette is blue. This deep, saturated blue is used in the company's logo, packaging, and marketing materials. It is a color that is often associated with cleanliness, freshness, and relaxation.

Another key color in the Bath & Body Works brand palette is pink. This light, feminine pink is used to create a sense of warmth and inviting. It is often used in conjunction with the blue color to create a visually appealing contrast.

Other colors that are frequently used in the Bath & Body Works brand palette include white, green, and purple. These colors are all used to create a sense of freshness, purity, and luxury.

The Bath & Body Works brand colors are carefully chosen to create a cohesive and appealing visual identity. These colors are used to evoke specific emotions and associations in consumers, and they help to make the company's products stand out from the competition.

Here is a more detailed look at the Bath & Body Works brand colors:

  • Blue: This is the most iconic color in the Bath & Body Works brand palette. It is a deep, saturated blue that is often associated with cleanliness, freshness, and relaxation. The blue color is used in the company's logo, packaging, and marketing materials.
  • Pink: This light, feminine pink is used to create a sense of warmth and inviting. It is often used in conjunction with the blue color to create a visually appealing contrast. The pink color is used in some of the company's most popular fragrances, such as Sweet Pea and Japanese Cherry Blossom.
  • White: This is a neutral color that is often used to create a sense of cleanliness and purity. The white color is used in the company's packaging and on some of its products, such as body lotions and shower gels.
  • Green: This color is associated with nature and freshness. It is often used in the company's body care products, such as body washes and lotions.
  • Purple: This color is associated with luxury and sophistication. It is often used in the company's candles and home fragrances.

The Bath & Body Works brand colors are carefully chosen to create a cohesive and appealing visual identity. These colors are used to evoke specific emotions and associations in consumers, and they help to make the company's products stand out from the competition.