Lalamove Colors

The Lalamove colors are Lalamove Halloween Orange, Lalamove Vivid Orange Peel, we recommend using the Lalamove color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Lalamove Official Website

Lalamove color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #f26722
RGB Color: 242 103 34
Hex Color: #fea000
RGB Color: 254 160 0
  • #f26722
  • #fea000

Lalamove color Palette Download

Download the Lalamove color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Lalamove Brand Colors: Orange and White

Lalamove is a logistics platform that connects customers with delivery drivers. The company's brand colors are orange and white. These colors are used throughout Lalamove's marketing materials, website, and app.


Orange is a vibrant color that is often associated with energy, excitement, and enthusiasm. It is also a color that is easily visible, which is important for a company like Lalamove that needs to stand out from the competition.

In the context of Lalamove, orange represents the company's commitment to providing fast, reliable, and efficient delivery services. It also represents the company's passion for making life easier for its customers.


White is a clean and simple color that is often associated with purity, freshness, and trustworthiness. It is also a color that is easily readable, which is important for a company like Lalamove that needs to communicate clear and concise information to its customers.

In the context of Lalamove, white represents the company's commitment to providing a high-quality service. It also represents the company's desire to build a strong relationship of trust with its customers.

The combination of orange and white

The combination of orange and white is a powerful one. The orange provides energy and excitement, while the white provides clarity and trustworthiness. This combination of colors perfectly reflects Lalamove's brand identity.

In addition to the colors orange and white, Lalamove also uses other colors in its branding. These colors include black, gray, and blue. These colors are used to create a sense of balance and harmony in the company's branding.

Overall, Lalamove's brand colors are carefully chosen to reflect the company's values and mission. The colors orange and white are used to create a sense of energy, excitement, and trustworthiness. These colors are also used to create a sense of balance and harmony in the company's branding.

How Lalamove uses its brand colors

Lalamove uses its brand colors in a variety of ways. The colors are used on the company's website, app, marketing materials, and even on its delivery trucks.

On the company's website, the colors orange and white are used to create a bright and inviting atmosphere. The orange is used as the primary color, while the white is used as an accent color. This combination of colors creates a sense of energy and excitement.

The company's app also uses the colors orange and white. The orange is used as the background color, while the white is used for the text and icons. This combination of colors makes the app easy to use and navigate.

Lalamove also uses its brand colors in its marketing materials. The colors are used on posters, flyers, and other promotional materials. The orange is used to grab attention, while the white is used to provide clear and concise information.

Finally, Lalamove uses its brand colors on its delivery trucks. The trucks are painted orange with white lettering. This combination of colors makes the trucks easy to spot on the road.


Lalamove's brand colors are an important part of the company's identity. The colors orange and white are used to create a sense of energy, excitement, and trustworthiness. These colors are also used to create a sense of balance and harmony in the company's branding.

Lalamove uses its brand colors in a variety of ways, including on its website, app, marketing materials, and even on its delivery trucks. The colors help to create a bright, inviting, and easy-to-use experience for customers.