Assassin’s Creed Colors

The Assassin’s Creed colors are Assassin’s Creed Charleston Green, Assassin’s Creed Chinese Silver, Assassin’s Creed Fire Engine Red, we recommend using the Assassin’s Creed color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS.

Assassin’s Creed color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #2d2c2e
RGB Color: 45 44 46
Hex Color: #c7c8ca
RGB Color: 199 200 202
Hex Color: #c1232c
RGB Color: 193 35 44
  • #2d2c2e
  • #c7c8ca
  • #c1232c

Assassin’s Creed color Palette Download

Download the Assassin’s Creed color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Assassin's Creed Brand Colors

The Assassin's Creed franchise is one of the most popular video game series of all time, with over 150 million copies sold worldwide. The games are set in historical periods and feature a conflict between the Assassins, who fight for peace and freedom, and the Templars, who seek to control the world.

The Assassin's Creed brand colors are black, white, and red. These colors are used throughout the games, in the logos, marketing materials, and even in the gameplay.

  • Black represents the Assassins and their secrecy. It is a dark and mysterious color that evokes feelings of stealth and danger.
  • White represents the Templars and their order. It is a pure and clean color that evokes feelings of power and control.
  • Red represents the conflict between the Assassins and the Templars. It is a passionate and fiery color that evokes feelings of violence and revolution.

The use of these colors in the Assassin's Creed brand is effective because they are both visually appealing and meaningful. The colors create a strong visual identity for the franchise and help to convey the themes of the games.

In addition to the three main colors, the Assassin's Creed brand also uses other colors, such as gray, brown, and green. These colors are used to represent the different historical periods in which the games are set. For example, the game Assassin's Creed: Origins is set in Ancient Egypt, so the colors used in the game's marketing materials reflect the colors of the Egyptian desert.

The use of color in the Assassin's Creed brand is carefully considered and executed. The colors are used to create a strong visual identity for the franchise, to convey the themes of the games, and to represent the different historical periods in which the games are set.

Here are some additional thoughts on the use of color in the Assassin's Creed brand:

  • The use of black and white creates a sense of contrast and tension, which is appropriate for a game series that is about conflict.
  • The use of red adds a sense of urgency and excitement to the brand.
  • The use of other colors, such as gray, brown, and green, helps to ground the brand in reality and to make it more relatable to players.

Overall, the use of color in the Assassin's Creed brand is effective and helps to create a strong and memorable identity for the franchise.