Associated Global Systems Colors

The Associated Global Systems colors are AGS Ocean Boat Blue, we recommend using the Associated Global Systems color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Associated Global Systems Official Website

Associated Global Systems color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #0177c1
RGB Color: 1 119 193
  • #0177c1

Associated Global Systems color Palette Download

Download the Associated Global Systems color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Associated Global Systems Brand Colors

Associated Global Systems (AGS) is a logistics company that provides shipping and freight management services. The company's brand colors are blue, green, and white.

The blue color in AGS's brand palette represents trust, reliability, and security. These are all qualities that are important to the company's customers, as they need to be able to trust that their freight will be transported safely and securely.

The green color in AGS's brand palette represents growth, innovation, and sustainability. These are all values that the company holds dear, as they are committed to providing their customers with the best possible service while also being environmentally responsible.

The white color in AGS's brand palette represents clarity, simplicity, and efficiency. These are all qualities that the company strives for in its operations, as they want to make it easy for their customers to do business with them.

The combination of blue, green, and white creates a calming and professional look that is appropriate for a logistics company. The colors are also easy to read and understand, which is important for a company that deals with complex information.

AGS's use of brand colors is consistent across all of its marketing materials, from its website to its social media pages. This helps to create a strong and unified brand identity that customers can easily recognize.

Here are some of the ways that AGS uses its brand colors:

  • The company's website uses a blue background with green accents. This creates a clean and modern look that is easy to navigate.
  • AGS's social media pages use a variety of blue, green, and white images and graphics. This helps to keep the company's branding consistent across all of its channels.
  • The company's marketing materials, such as brochures and flyers, use a variety of blue, green, and white fonts and typography. This helps to create a cohesive and professional look.

Overall, AGS's use of brand colors is effective in communicating the company's values and creating a strong and unified brand identity.