Bank of Montreal Colors

The Bank of Montreal colors are Bank of Montreal Permanent Geranium Lake, Bank of Montreal Ocean Boat Blue, we recommend using the Bank of Montreal color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Bank of Montreal Official Website

Bank of Montreal color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #ed3124
RGB Color: 237 49 36
Hex Color: #0078c1
RGB Color: 0 120 193
  • #ed3124
  • #0078c1

Bank of Montreal color Palette Download

Download the Bank of Montreal color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Bank of Montreal Brand Colors

The Bank of Montreal (BMO) is one of the Big Five banks in Canada and is also the country's oldest bank. The company's brand colors are blue and red, and these colors are used throughout the company's branding, including its logo, website, and marketing materials.

The blue color in BMO's branding represents trust, stability, and reliability. These are all qualities that are important to customers when choosing a bank, and BMO's use of blue helps to communicate these qualities to its customers. The red color in BMO's branding represents energy, passion, and strength. These are also qualities that are important to customers, and BMO's use of red helps to communicate these qualities to its customers.

The combination of blue and red in BMO's branding is a classic and effective color scheme. These colors are complementary, and they create a sense of balance and harmony. The blue color provides a sense of stability and trust, while the red color adds a touch of energy and excitement. This combination of colors is perfect for a bank, as it communicates the qualities that are important to customers.

In addition to blue and red, BMO also uses white and gray in its branding. White is used as a background color, and it helps to make the blue and red colors stand out. Gray is used for text and other elements, and it provides a sense of sophistication and elegance.

The use of color in BMO's branding is carefully considered and executed. The colors are used to communicate the company's values and to create a sense of trust, stability, energy, and excitement. The combination of blue, red, white, and gray is a classic and effective color scheme that is perfect for a bank.

Here are some of the reasons why BMO chose blue and red as its brand colors:

  • Blue is often associated with trust, stability, and reliability. These are all qualities that are important to customers when choosing a bank.
  • Red is often associated with energy, passion, and strength. These are also qualities that are important to customers, and BMO's use of red helps to communicate these qualities to its customers.
  • The combination of blue and red is a classic and effective color scheme. These colors are complementary, and they create a sense of balance and harmony.

Here are some of the ways that BMO uses its brand colors:

  • The blue color is used prominently in the company's logo.
  • The red color is used in the company's marketing materials, such as its website and advertising.
  • The blue and red colors are used together in the company's branding, such as its uniforms and signage.

The use of color in BMO's branding is an effective way to communicate the company's values and to create a sense of trust, stability, energy, and excitement. The combination of blue, red, white, and gray is a classic and effective color scheme that is perfect for a bank.