The BBVA USA colors are BBVA USAFA Blue, we recommend using the BBVA USA color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. BBVA USA Official Website

BBVA USA color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #00539b
RGB Color: 0 83 155
  • #00539b

BBVA USA color Palette Download

Download the BBVA USA color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

BBVA USA Brand Colors: A Symbol of Trust, Responsibility, and Prosperity

The BBVA USA brand colors are blue and teal. These colors are chosen for their positive associations with trust, responsibility, and prosperity.

Blue is a color that is often associated with trust, dependability, and security. It is also a color that is calming and relaxing, which can be helpful in a financial setting. The blue in the BBVA USA logo is a deep, rich blue that is known as "ultramarine." This color is often used in corporate logos because it projects a sense of strength and stability.

Teal is a lighter blue color that is often associated with freshness, new beginnings, and growth. It is also a color that is associated with communication and creativity. The teal in the BBVA USA logo is a bright, vibrant teal that is known as "aquamarine." This color is used to add a sense of energy and freshness to the logo.

The combination of blue and teal in the BBVA USA logo creates a sense of trust, responsibility, and prosperity. These colors are a reflection of the company's values and its commitment to providing its customers with a secure and reliable financial experience.

In addition to the colors in its logo, BBVA USA also uses blue and teal in its marketing materials and branding. These colors are used to create a consistent and cohesive brand identity that is both trustworthy and inviting.

The use of blue and teal in the BBVA USA brand colors is a thoughtful and deliberate choice. These colors are chosen for their positive associations and their ability to create a sense of trust, responsibility, and prosperity. As a result, the BBVA USA brand colors are a powerful tool that helps the company to connect with its customers and build relationships.

Additional Information

  • The BBVA USA brand colors were designed by Landor Associates, a global branding agency.
  • The BBVA USA logo was first introduced in 2000.
  • The BBVA USA brand colors are used in all of the company's marketing materials, including its website, advertising, and collateral.
  • The BBVA USA brand colors are also used in the company's physical branches.


The BBVA USA brand colors are a powerful tool that helps the company to connect with its customers and build relationships. These colors are chosen for their positive associations with trust, responsibility, and prosperity. As a result, the BBVA USA brand colors are a key part of the company's branding strategy.