BMO Harris Bank Logo: Unveiling the Symbolism Behind a Trusted Financial Institution

The BMO Harris Bank colors are BMO Harris Bank Ocean Boat Blue, BMO Harris Bank Red (Pigment), we recommend using the BMO Harris Bank color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. BMO Harris Bank Official Website

BMO Harris Bank color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #0079c1
RGB Color: 0 121 193
Hex Color: #ed1d24
RGB Color: 237 29 36
  • #0079c1
  • #ed1d24

BMO Harris Bank color Palette Download

Download the BMO Harris Bank color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

BMO Harris Bank Logo: Unveiling the Symbolism Behind a Trusted Financial Institution

BMO Harris Bank is a financial services company with operations in the United States and Canada. The company's brand colors are blue and red, which are used throughout its marketing materials, advertising, and website.

BMO Harris Bank stands as a beacon of stability, expertise, and personalized banking. Its distinctive logo, a combination of the BMO mother brand's red diagonal stripe and the Harris Bank's iconic red M, has become synonymous with the institution, representing strength, trust, and a deep connection to the communities it serves.

A Legacy of Strength and Stability

The origins of BMO Harris Bank's logo can be traced back to the early days of both institutions. The BMO mother brand's red diagonal stripe, introduced in 1919, represents strength, forward movement, and a sense of dynamism. The Harris Bank's iconic red M, adopted in 1868, embodies the bank's rich history, stability, and unwavering commitment to its customers.

The Unifying Power of the Red Diagonal Stripe

The red diagonal stripe, a unifying element across all BMO Financial Group brands, symbolizes the group's shared values, interconnectedness, and collective strength. Its dynamic angle represents progress, innovation, and a commitment to moving forward together. The stripe's vibrant red hue conveys confidence, energy, and a sense of passion.

The Enduring Legacy of the Harris Bank M

The Harris Bank M, a symbol of stability and trust, has remained a constant element in the logo since its inception. Its distinctive M-shape, reminiscent of a handshake, represents the bank's commitment to personalized service, building strong relationships, and tailoring financial solutions to the unique needs of its customers.

A Symbol of Community and Local Connection

The combination of the BMO mother brand's red diagonal stripe and the Harris Bank's iconic red M creates a unified logo that represents the combined strengths of both institutions. It signifies a deep connection to the communities served, a commitment to local businesses and individuals, and a dedication to fostering financial well-being in the regions where the bank operates.

A Logo that Resonates with Customers

BMO Harris Bank's logo is not merely a visual representation of a financial institution; it is a powerful storytelling tool that reinforces the bank's values, resonates with its customers, and contributes to its enduring success. The carefully chosen design elements evoke feelings of strength, trust, and a sense of community, aligning with the bank's core values and its vision of providing personalized financial solutions that empower individuals and businesses to thrive.

A Color Palette that Transcends Trends

Unlike many design trends that come and go, BMO Harris Bank's logo has remained remarkably consistent throughout the institution's history. This enduring appeal lies in the logo's ability to transcend fleeting trends and embody the timeless values that BMO Harris Bank represents. The vibrant red hues exude confidence, energy, and a sense of passion, making the logo a visually striking and easily recognizable symbol of the bank's unwavering commitment to its customers and communities.


In conclusion, BMO Harris Bank's logo is more than just a visual identity; it is a symbol of strength, trust, and a deep connection to the communities it serves. Through its masterful use of color, design, and symbolism, the logo has become an enduring representation of the bank's values, its commitment to personalized banking, and its unwavering dedication to fostering financial well-being for generations to come.