Boston Uprising Colors

The Boston Uprising colors are Boston Uprising Yale Blue, Boston Uprising Titanium Yellow, Boston Uprising Black, we recommend using the Boston Uprising color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Boston Uprising Official Website

Boston Uprising color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #174b97
RGB Color: 23 75 151
Hex Color: #efdf00
RGB Color: 239 223 0
Hex Color: #000000
RGB Color: 0 0 0
  • #174b97
  • #efdf00
  • #000000

Boston Uprising color Palette Download

Download the Boston Uprising color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

The Boston Uprising is an Overwatch League team owned by the Kraft Group, the same ownership group that owns the New England Patriots. The team's name and branding were revealed on October 25, 2017, and the colors chosen for the team are blue, yellow, and black.

The blue and yellow colors are a reference to the colors of Boston's official flag. The black color is a nod to the city's history and its role in the American Revolution. The team's logo is a shield surrounding a bold "B"—a letter that is synonymous with the city of Boston.

The colors of the Boston Uprising are meant to evoke a sense of pride and tradition, while also paying homage to the city's history. The blue and yellow colors are bright and vibrant, and they represent the team's energy and determination. The black color is more subdued, but it adds a sense of strength and power.

The Boston Uprising's brand colors have been well-received by fans. The colors are both distinctive and recognizable, and they help to create a strong visual identity for the team. The colors are also a reminder of the team's roots in Boston, and they help to connect the team with the city's passionate sports fans.

Here is a more detailed analysis of the Boston Uprising's brand colors:

  • Blue: The color blue is often associated with trust, loyalty, and dependability. It is also a calming color that can create a sense of peace and tranquility. The blue color in the Boston Uprising's branding is a nod to the city's history and its role as a center of commerce and industry.
  • Yellow: The color yellow is often associated with happiness, optimism, and energy. It is also a warm color that can create a sense of excitement and enthusiasm. The yellow color in the Boston Uprising's branding is a reminder of the team's bright future and its potential to achieve great things.
  • Black: The color black is often associated with power, strength, and authority. It is also a mysterious color that can create a sense of intrigue and suspense. The black color in the Boston Uprising's branding is a symbol of the team's determination and its willingness to fight for victory.

The Boston Uprising's brand colors are a perfect representation of the team's identity. They are bright, vibrant, and powerful, and they evoke a sense of pride and tradition. The colors are also a reminder of the team's roots in Boston, and they help to connect the team with the city's passionate sports fans.