Chengdu Hunters Colors

The Chengdu Hunters colors are Chengdu Hunters Vivid Orange Peel, Chengdu Hunters White, Chengdu Hunters Light Taupe, Chengdu Hunters Eerie Black, we recommend using the Chengdu Hunters color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Chengdu Hunters Official Website

Chengdu Hunters color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #ffa000
RGB Color: 255 160 0
Hex Color: #ffffff
RGB Color: 255 255 255
Hex Color: #b4926a
RGB Color: 180 146 106
Hex Color: #161823
RGB Color: 22 24 35
  • #ffa000
  • #ffffff
  • #b4926a
  • #161823

Chengdu Hunters color Palette Download

Download the Chengdu Hunters color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Chengdu Hunters Brand Colors: A Symbol of Vigor, Steadiness, and Perseverance

The Chengdu Hunters are an Overwatch League team based in Chengdu, China. The team's brand colors are black, gold, and orange. These colors were chosen to represent the team's values of vigor, steadiness, and perseverance.

  • Black represents calmness and steadiness. It is a color that is often associated with power and strength. In the context of the Chengdu Hunters, black represents the team's ability to stay focused and composed under pressure.
  • Gold represents victory and success. It is a color that is often associated with wealth and prosperity. In the context of the Chengdu Hunters, gold represents the team's determination to achieve victory.
  • Orange represents vigor and energy. It is a color that is often associated with excitement and enthusiasm. In the context of the Chengdu Hunters, orange represents the team's youthful spirit and their willingness to fight for their goals.

The Chengdu Hunters' brand colors are a strong visual representation of the team's values. They are also a reminder of the team's home city of Chengdu, which is known for its pandas. The panda is a symbol of peace, good luck, and perseverance. These are all qualities that the Chengdu Hunters strive to embody.

The Chengdu Hunters are a young team, but they have already made a name for themselves in the Overwatch League. They are known for their aggressive playstyle and their ability to pull off upsets. The team's brand colors are a perfect match for their style of play. They represent the team's vigor, steadiness, and perseverance. These are the qualities that will help the Chengdu Hunters continue to succeed in the Overwatch League.

In addition to the team's logo, the brand colors are also used throughout the team's branding materials, including their uniforms, merchandise, and website. The colors are used in a way that is both aesthetically pleasing and meaningful. They help to create a strong visual identity for the team that is both unique and memorable.

The Chengdu Hunters' brand colors are a powerful symbol of the team's values and its home city. They are also a reminder of the team's youthful spirit and its willingness to fight for its goals. The Chengdu Hunters are a team to watch in the Overwatch League, and their brand colors are a big part of why.