Comerica Colors

The Comerica colors are Comerica Dark Midnight Blue, we recommend using the Comerica color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Comerica Official Website

Comerica color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #002f6c
RGB Color: 0 47 108
  • #002f6c

Comerica color Palette Download

Download the Comerica color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Comerica Brand Colors: A Symbol of Trust and Stability

Comerica Incorporated is a financial services company headquartered in Dallas, Texas. The company's brand colors are blue and white. Blue is the primary color, and white is used as an accent color.

The color blue is often associated with trust, stability, and reliability. It is also a calming color that can create a sense of security. This makes blue a good choice for a financial services company, as it conveys the message that Comerica is a trustworthy and reliable institution.

The color white is also associated with trust and purity. It is a clean and simple color that can create a sense of openness and transparency. This makes white a good choice for an accent color, as it helps to highlight the blue and create a more balanced and visually appealing logo.

The combination of blue and white is a classic and timeless color scheme that has been used by many successful brands. It is a color scheme that is both professional and approachable, and it is well-suited for a financial services company like Comerica.

In addition to the colors blue and white, Comerica also uses a custom typeface in its logo. The typeface is called "Comerica Sans," and it was designed specifically for the company. The typeface is clean and modern, and it helps to create a sense of trust and reliability.

The Comerica brand colors and typeface are an important part of the company's visual identity. They help to convey the message that Comerica is a trustworthy and reliable financial services company. The colors and typeface are also visually appealing and help to create a strong and memorable brand identity.

How Comerica Uses Its Brand Colors

Comerica uses its brand colors in a variety of ways across its marketing materials and branding. The colors are used prominently in the company's logo, website, and advertising. They are also used in the company's physical locations, such as its bank branches and ATMs.

The Comerica brand colors are used to create a consistent and cohesive visual identity across all of the company's touchpoints. This helps to build brand recognition and trust among customers.

The colors are also used to evoke certain emotions in customers. For example, the color blue is often associated with trust and stability, while the color white is associated with purity and cleanliness. These emotions can help to create a positive association with the Comerica brand in the minds of customers.


The Comerica brand colors are an important part of the company's visual identity. They help to convey the message that Comerica is a trustworthy and reliable financial services company. The colors are also visually appealing and help to create a strong and memorable brand identity.

Comerica uses its brand colors in a variety of ways across its marketing materials and branding. This helps to build brand recognition and trust among customers. The colors are also used to evoke certain emotions in customers, such as trust, stability, and purity. This can help to create a positive association with the Comerica brand in the minds of customers.