Correios Colors

The Correios colors are Correios School Bus Yellow, Correios Dark Goldenrod, Correios Prussian Blue, Correios Ateneo Blue, Correios Vivid Cerulean, we recommend using the Correios color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Correios Official Website

Correios color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #fcd800
RGB Color: 252 216 0
Hex Color: #ba7a16
RGB Color: 186 122 22
Hex Color: #01325a
RGB Color: 1 50 90
Hex Color: #00416b
RGB Color: 0 65 107
Hex Color: #02afe7
RGB Color: 2 175 231
  • #fcd800
  • #ba7a16
  • #01325a
  • #00416b
  • #02afe7

Correios color Palette Download

Download the Correios color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Correios Brand Colors: A Symbol of Trust and Reliability

Correios, the national postal service of Brazil, is known for its reliable and efficient delivery service. The company's brand colors play an important role in conveying this message to customers.

The primary brand color of Correios is blue. This color is often associated with trust, reliability, and efficiency. It is also a calming color that can help to create a sense of security. The blue color is used prominently in the Correios logo, as well as in its marketing materials.

The secondary brand color of Correios is gold. This color is often associated with luxury, prestige, and quality. It is also a warm color that can help to create a sense of comfort and familiarity. The gold color is used more sparingly in the Correios branding, but it is still an important part of the overall look and feel.

The tertiary brand colors of Correios are gray and light blue. These colors are used to provide contrast and to create a sense of balance in the branding. Gray is a neutral color that can help to ground the branding, while light blue is a calming color that can help to create a sense of peace.

The use of these colors in the Correios branding is a deliberate decision that is designed to convey the company's message of trust, reliability, and efficiency. The colors are also used to create a sense of luxury and prestige, which is important for a company that is trying to position itself as a leader in the postal industry.

In addition to the colors, the Correios branding also uses a number of other design elements, such as typography and imagery, to create a cohesive and visually appealing look. The overall effect is a branding that is both modern and classic, and that conveys the company's message of trust, reliability, and quality.

How the Colors of Correios Affect Consumers

The colors used in a brand's logo and marketing materials can have a significant impact on how consumers perceive that brand. In the case of Correios, the use of blue, gold, gray, and light blue helps to create a sense of trust, reliability, and luxury. These colors are also associated with positive emotions such as security, comfort, and peace.

As a result, the colors of Correios can help to build trust and loyalty among consumers. They can also help to create a positive impression of the company, which can lead to increased sales.


The colors of Correios are an important part of the company's branding. They are used to convey a message of trust, reliability, and luxury. The colors also help to create a visually appealing and cohesive look that is consistent with the company's values.

The use of these colors has a positive impact on consumers, as they can help to build trust and loyalty. They can also help to create a positive impression of the company, which can lead to increased sales.t