Dachser Colors

The Dachser colors are Dachser Green-Blue, Dachser Raisin Black, we recommend using the Dachser color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Dachser Official Website

Dachser color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #1a5dad
RGB Color: 26 93 173
Hex Color: #231f20
RGB Color: 35 31 32
  • #1a5dad
  • #231f20

Dachser color Palette Download

Download the Dachser color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Dachser is a global logistics company with a strong brand identity. The company's colors are a key part of this identity, and they are used consistently across all of Dachser's marketing materials and branding.

The primary Dachser brand color is blue. This color is associated with trust, reliability, and security, all of which are important qualities for a logistics company. The blue color is also used to represent the global reach of Dachser, as it is a color that is seen and understood in many different cultures.

The secondary Dachser brand color is orange. This color is associated with energy, enthusiasm, and creativity. It is used to represent the innovative spirit of Dachser and its commitment to providing excellent customer service.

The two brand colors are often used together, as they complement each other well. The blue color provides a sense of stability and trust, while the orange color adds a touch of energy and enthusiasm. This combination of colors creates a strong and memorable brand identity for Dachser.

In addition to the primary and secondary brand colors, Dachser also uses a number of other colors in its branding. These colors are used to add visual interest and to create a sense of harmony. For example, the company uses white as a background color, and it uses shades of gray to create a sense of depth.

The Dachser brand colors are carefully chosen to reflect the company's values and its commitment to providing excellent customer service. The colors are used consistently across all of Dachser's marketing materials and branding, and they help to create a strong and memorable brand identity.

Here are some additional details about the Dachser brand colors:

  • Blue: The primary Dachser brand color is blue. This color is associated with trust, reliability, and security. It is also a color that is seen and understood in many different cultures.
  • Orange: The secondary Dachser brand color is orange. This color is associated with energy, enthusiasm, and creativity. It is used to represent the innovative spirit of Dachser and its commitment to providing excellent customer service.
  • White: White is used as a background color in Dachser's branding. It creates a sense of space and clarity.
  • Gray: Shades of gray are used in Dachser's branding to create a sense of depth and sophistication.

The Dachser brand colors are an important part of the company's identity. They are used consistently across all of Dachser's marketing materials and branding, and they help to create a strong and memorable brand.