Daikin Colors

The Daikin colors are Daikin Raisin Black, Daikin Picton Blue, Daikin Vivid Cerulean, we recommend using the Daikin color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Daikin Official Website

Daikin color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #231f20
RGB Color: 35 31 32
Hex Color: #44c8f5
RGB Color: 68 200 245
Hex Color: #00a0e4
RGB Color: 0 160 228
  • #231f20
  • #44c8f5
  • #00a0e4

Daikin color Palette Download

Download the Daikin color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Daikin Brand Colors

Daikin is a Japanese multinational conglomerate company headquartered in Osaka. It is a leading air conditioning and refrigeration innovator and provider for residential, commercial, and industrial applications. Daikin's brand colors are Daikin Blue, Daikin Light Blue, and Black.

  • Daikin Blue is a vibrant blue color that represents the company's commitment to innovation and progress. It is also a calming color that can evoke feelings of peace and tranquility.
  • Daikin Light Blue is a lighter blue color that represents the company's focus on environmental sustainability. It is also a refreshing color that can create a sense of freshness and cleanliness.
  • Black is a classic color that represents the company's strength and reliability. It is also a sophisticated color that can create a sense of luxury and prestige.

The Daikin brand colors are used throughout the company's marketing materials, product designs, and corporate branding. They help to create a consistent and cohesive visual identity that is both modern and timeless.

In addition to the three main brand colors, Daikin also uses a variety of secondary colors in its marketing materials. These colors are used to create a sense of contrast and interest, and to highlight specific features of the company's products.

The Daikin brand colors are carefully chosen to reflect the company's corporate values and to create a positive and memorable impression on customers. They are an important part of the Daikin brand identity, and they help to ensure that the company's products and services are consistently recognized and appreciated.

Here are some of the meanings of Daikin's brand colors:

  • Daikin Blue: Innovation, progress, calmness, peace, tranquility
  • Daikin Light Blue: Environmental sustainability, freshness, cleanliness
  • Black: Strength, reliability, sophistication, luxury, prestige

The Daikin brand colors are used in a variety of ways to create a consistent and cohesive visual identity for the company. For example, the Daikin logo features the company's blue and light blue colors, and these colors are also used in the company's website, product packaging, and marketing materials.

The Daikin brand colors are an important part of the company's overall branding strategy. They help to create a positive and memorable impression on customers, and they reinforce the company's corporate values.