Dalian Port (PDA) Company Colors

The Dalian Port (PDA) Company colors are Phthalo Blue, Dalian Port Sinopia, Dalian Port Cornflower Blue, Dalian Port Black, we recommend using the Dalian Port (PDA) Company color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS.

Dalian Port (PDA) Company color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #000884
RGB Color: 0 8 132
Hex Color: #ce4008
RGB Color: 206 64 8
Hex Color: #6c8ce6
RGB Color: 108 140 230
Hex Color: #000000
RGB Color: 0 0 0
  • #000884
  • #ce4008
  • #6c8ce6
  • #000000

Dalian Port (PDA) Company color Palette Download

Download the Dalian Port (PDA) Company color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Dalian Port (PDA) Company Brand Colors

Dalian Port (PDA) Company is a leading port operator in China. The company's brand colors are blue, green, and white. These colors were chosen to represent the company's core values of openness, innovation, and efficiency.

  • Blue is the primary color of the PDA brand. It represents the company's openness and its commitment to international cooperation. The blue color also evokes a sense of calmness and stability, which are important qualities for a port operator.
  • Green is the secondary color of the PDA brand. It represents the company's commitment to environmental protection. The green color also symbolizes growth and prosperity, which are important goals for the PDA company.
  • White is the tertiary color of the PDA brand. It represents the company's efficiency and its commitment to providing high-quality services. The white color also evokes a sense of cleanliness and purity, which are important qualities for a port operator.

The PDA brand colors are used throughout the company's branding materials, including its website, brochures, and uniforms. The colors are also used in the company's logo, which features a blue globe surrounded by green and white waves.

The PDA brand colors are a strong and effective way to communicate the company's core values to its stakeholders. The colors are visually appealing and they evoke positive emotions. They also help to create a strong visual identity for the PDA company.

Here are some additional details about the PDA brand colors:

  • Blue: The Pantone color code for PDA blue is 2945C. This is a light blue color that is often associated with openness, trust, and stability.
  • Green: The Pantone color code for PDA green is 376C. This is a dark green color that is often associated with growth, prosperity, and the environment.
  • White: The Pantone color code for PDA white is 119C. This is a bright white color that is often associated with cleanliness, purity, and efficiency.

The PDA brand colors are a carefully chosen combination of colors that represent the company's core values. These colors are used throughout the company's branding materials to create a strong and effective visual identity.