Datsun Colors

The Datsun colors are Datsun Arsenic, Datsun Gainsboro, Datsun White, Datsun Blue Bell, Datsun Liberty, Datsun American Blue, we recommend using the Datsun color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Datsun Official Website

Datsun color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #363c44
RGB Color: 54 60 68
Hex Color: #dadfe5
RGB Color: 218 223 229
Hex Color: #ffffff
RGB Color: 255 255 255
Hex Color: #a1a0d2
RGB Color: 161 160 210
Hex Color: #4454a2
RGB Color: 68 84 162
Hex Color: #2c3974
RGB Color: 44 57 116
  • #363c44
  • #dadfe5
  • #ffffff
  • #a1a0d2
  • #4454a2
  • #2c3974

Datsun color Palette Download

Download the Datsun color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Datsun Brand Colors

Datsun is a Japanese automobile brand that was founded in 1931. The brand was originally owned by Nissan, but it was spun off in 1986. Datsun was revived in 2013, and it is now marketed in select markets around the world.

The Datsun brand colors have evolved over the years. The original Datsun logo featured a red semicircle and a blue rectangle, with white lettering. This color scheme was inspired by the American flag, as Datsun was originally marketed in the United States.

In the 1970s, Datsun began to use a different color scheme. This scheme featured red, white, and blue, which were the colors of the Japanese flag. This color scheme was used on the Datsun 240Z, which was one of the most popular sports cars of the era.

In the 1980s, Datsun began to use a more modern color scheme. This scheme featured silver, blue, and white. This color scheme was used on the Datsun Sunny, which was one of the most popular economy cars of the era.

The current Datsun brand colors are silver, blue, and red. These colors are used on the Datsun GO, which is one of the most popular cars in India.

The Datsun brand colors are designed to convey a sense of modernity, reliability, and affordability. The silver color represents sophistication and luxury, while the blue color represents freshness and energy. The red color represents passion and excitement.

The Datsun brand colors are a key part of the brand's identity. They help to distinguish Datsun from other automobile brands, and they convey the brand's core values.

Here are some of the most popular Datsun brand colors:

  • Ruby Red is a vibrant red color that is often used on sports cars.
  • Opal White is a clean and crisp white color that is often used on luxury cars.
  • Blade Silver is a modern silver color that is often used on economy cars.
  • Bronze Grey is a sophisticated grey color that is often used on SUVs.
  • Amber Orange is a bright orange color that is often used on hatchbacks.
  • Vivid Blue is a bold blue color that is often used on sedans.

These are just a few of the many Datsun brand colors that are available. The brand offers a wide range of colors to choose from, so you can find the perfect color for your Datsun car.