Dhanlaxmi Bank Colors

The Dhanlaxmi Bank colors are Dhanlaxmi Bank Imperial Purple, we recommend using the Dhanlaxmi Bank color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Dhanlaxmi Bank Official Website

Dhanlaxmi Bank color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #550044
RGB Color: 85 0 68
  • #550044

Dhanlaxmi Bank color Palette Download

Download the Dhanlaxmi Bank color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Dhanlaxmi Bank: The Color of Wealth and Prosperity

Dhanlaxmi Bank is a private sector bank based in Kerala, India. The bank was founded in 1931 and has a strong presence in the southern states of India. In 2011, the bank underwent a rebranding exercise, which included a change in its corporate identity and brand colors.

The new brand colors for Dhanlaxmi Bank are purple and gold. Purple is often associated with wealth, luxury, and royalty. It is also a color that is said to promote creativity and imagination. Gold, on the other hand, is a color that is associated with prosperity, success, and abundance.

The choice of purple and gold for Dhanlaxmi Bank's brand colors is a deliberate one. The bank wanted to create a brand that was both modern and traditional, and that would appeal to a wide range of customers. The purple color is a nod to the bank's rich history, while the gold color represents its future ambitions.

The new brand colors have been well-received by customers and stakeholders. The purple color has been particularly popular, with many people saying that it is a refreshing change from the traditional blue and red colors that are often used by banks.

The use of purple and gold in Dhanlaxmi Bank's branding is a clever way to communicate the bank's values and goals. The colors convey a sense of wealth, prosperity, and tradition, while also being modern and appealing to a wide range of customers.

Here are some of the reasons why Dhanlaxmi Bank chose purple as its brand color:

  • Purple is associated with wealth and prosperity.
  • Purple is a color that is said to promote creativity and imagination.
  • Purple is a relatively uncommon color in the banking industry, which makes it stand out.
  • Purple is a color that is both modern and traditional, which reflects Dhanlaxmi Bank's own brand identity.

Here are some of the reasons why Dhanlaxmi Bank chose gold as its brand color:

  • Gold is associated with prosperity, success, and abundance.
  • Gold is a color that is seen as being luxurious and prestigious.
  • Gold is a color that is often used in Indian culture to represent wealth and prosperity.
  • Gold is a color that is complementary to purple, which creates a visually appealing color combination.

The use of purple and gold in Dhanlaxmi Bank's branding is a successful example of how color can be used to communicate a brand's values and goals. The colors are both meaningful and visually appealing, and they help to create a brand that is both modern and traditional.