Ezoic Colors

The Ezoic colors are Ezoic Green (RYB), we recommend using the Ezoic color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Ezoic Official Website

Ezoic color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #5fa624
RGB Color: 95 166 36
  • #5fa624

Ezoic color Palette Download

Download the Ezoic color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Ezoic Brand Colors

Ezoic is a company that provides AI-powered solutions for publishers. Their brand colors are green, black, and white.

Green is the primary color of Ezoic's brand. It is associated with growth, nature, and freshness. The green color in Ezoic's logo is a bright, lime green that is eye-catching and attention-grabbing. It also represents the company's commitment to helping publishers grow their businesses.

Black is the secondary color of Ezoic's brand. It is associated with power, sophistication, and authority. The black color in Ezoic's logo is a deep, rich black that gives the logo a sense of weight and importance. It also represents the company's commitment to providing publishers with the tools they need to succeed.

White is the tertiary color of Ezoic's brand. It is associated with simplicity, cleanliness, and purity. The white color in Ezoic's logo is a bright, crisp white that helps to make the logo stand out. It also represents the company's commitment to providing publishers with a clean and easy-to-use platform.

The combination of green, black, and white is a powerful one that helps Ezoic to convey its message of growth, sophistication, and simplicity. These colors are used consistently throughout Ezoic's branding, from the logo to the website to the marketing materials. This helps to create a cohesive and memorable brand identity.

How Ezoic Uses Colors in Their Branding

Ezoic uses colors in their branding in a number of ways. First, they use colors to create a sense of brand identity. The colors in Ezoic's logo are instantly recognizable and help to distinguish the company from its competitors. Second, Ezoic uses colors to evoke certain emotions in their audience. For example, the green color in Ezoic's logo is associated with growth and freshness, which can help to create a sense of optimism in potential customers. Finally, Ezoic uses colors to guide the user experience on their website. For example, the green color is used to highlight important calls to action, such as the "Sign Up" button.


Ezoic's brand colors are a carefully chosen palette that helps to convey the company's message of growth, sophistication, and simplicity. These colors are used consistently throughout Ezoic's branding, from the logo to the website to the marketing materials. This helps to create a cohesive and memorable brand identity.