Federal Bank Colors

The Federal Bank colors are Federal Bank Midnight Blue, Federal Bank Chrome Yellow, we recommend using the Federal Bank color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Federal Bank Official Website

Federal Bank color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #00488e
RGB Color: 0 72 142
Hex Color: #f7a800
RGB Color: 247 168 0
  • #00488e
  • #f7a800

Federal Bank color Palette Download

Download the Federal Bank color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Federal Bank Brand Colors

Federal Bank is a private sector bank in India. The bank's brand colors are blue and yellow. The blue color represents trust, stability, and security, while the yellow color represents energy, optimism, and creativity.

The blue color is a traditional color for banks, as it is often associated with trust and stability. The yellow color is a more unusual choice for a bank, but it is a good way to convey a sense of energy and optimism. The combination of blue and yellow is a classic color scheme that is both eye-catching and memorable.

The blue and yellow colors are used throughout Federal Bank's branding materials, including its logo, website, and advertising. The colors are also used in the bank's physical branches, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.

The use of blue and yellow in Federal Bank's branding is effective in conveying the bank's values and mission. The colors create a sense of trust, stability, energy, and optimism, which are all important qualities for a financial institution.

In addition to blue and yellow, Federal Bank also uses other colors in its branding materials. These colors include white, black, and green. The white color is used to create a sense of space and cleanliness, while the black color is used to add a touch of sophistication. The green color is used to represent growth and prosperity.

The use of these additional colors helps to create a balanced and harmonious color scheme that is both visually appealing and meaningful.

The Psychology of Color in Banking

The use of color in branding is a powerful tool that can be used to influence customer perception. In the case of banking, the colors used can have a significant impact on how customers feel about the bank and its services.

Blue is a popular color for banks because it is associated with trust, stability, and security. These are all qualities that customers look for in a financial institution. Yellow is another color that is often used in banking branding. Yellow is associated with energy, optimism, and creativity. These qualities can be appealing to customers who are looking for a bank that is forward-thinking and innovative.

The use of color in banking branding is an important part of creating a positive customer experience. By choosing the right colors, banks can create a sense of trust, stability, and optimism that will attract and retain customers.


The brand colors of Federal Bank are blue and yellow. These colors are used throughout the bank's branding materials, including its logo, website, and advertising. The colors are also used in the bank's physical branches, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere.

The use of blue and yellow in Federal Bank's branding is effective in conveying the bank's values and mission. The colors create a sense of trust, stability, energy, and optimism, which are all important qualities for a financial institution.

The use of additional colors in Federal Bank's branding helps to create a balanced and harmonious color scheme that is both visually appealing and meaningful.

The psychology of color in banking is an important factor to consider when designing a bank's branding. By choosing the right colors, banks can create a sense of trust, stability, and optimism that will attract and retain customers.