Flexport Colors

The Flexport colors are Flexport Bondi Blue, Flexport Ateneo Blue, we recommend using the Flexport color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Flexport Official Website

Flexport color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #0093bf
RGB Color: 0 147 191
Hex Color: #00436e
RGB Color: 0 67 110
  • #0093bf
  • #00436e

Flexport color Palette Download

Download the Flexport color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Flexport Brand Colors: A Symbol of Trust, Excitement, and Reliability

Flexport is a freight forwarding and customs brokerage company that uses a bold and vibrant color scheme to represent its brand. The company's primary colors are blue and red, which are both associated with positive emotions and qualities.

Blue is often seen as a symbol of trust, reliability, and stability. It is also associated with intelligence, calmness, and peace. In Flexport's branding, blue is used to convey the company's commitment to providing its customers with a reliable and efficient shipping service.

Red is a more energetic and exciting color. It is often associated with passion, courage, and action. In Flexport's branding, red is used to convey the company's dynamism and its commitment to innovation.

The combination of blue and red in Flexport's branding creates a sense of balance and harmony. The blue provides a sense of stability and trust, while the red adds a touch of excitement and energy. This combination of colors is perfectly suited for a company that is focused on providing its customers with a reliable and efficient shipping service.

In addition to blue and red, Flexport also uses a variety of other colors in its branding. These colors include white, black, and gray. White is used to create a sense of lightness and openness, while black and gray are used to add a touch of sophistication and elegance.

The overall effect of Flexport's brand colors is one of trust, excitement, and reliability. These colors perfectly reflect the company's mission to provide its customers with a world-class shipping experience.

Here are some of the psychological effects of Flexport's brand colors:

  • Blue: Trust, reliability, stability, intelligence, calmness, peace.
  • Red: Excitement, passion, courage, action, dynamism, innovation.
  • White: Lightness, openness, cleanliness, simplicity.
  • Black: Sophistication, elegance, power, authority, mystery.
  • Gray: Neutral, understated, sophisticated, professional.

How do Flexport's brand colors affect their customers?

Flexport's brand colors are likely to have a positive impact on their customers. The colors of trust, excitement, and reliability are likely to make customers feel confident in the company's ability to provide them with a good shipping experience. The colors of lightness, openness, and cleanliness are also likely to make customers feel comfortable and safe when doing business with Flexport.

Overall, Flexport's brand colors are a well-chosen palette that effectively conveys the company's values and mission. The colors of trust, excitement, and reliability are likely to make customers feel confident in the company's ability to provide them with a good shipping experience.