Flipkart Plus Colors

The Flipkart Plus colors are Flipkart Plus Indigo (Rainbow), Flipkart Plus Pastel Orange, Flipkart Plus Banana Yellow, we recommend using the Flipkart Plus color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Flipkart Plus Official Website

Flipkart Plus color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #1b1f65
RGB Color: 27 31 101
Hex Color: #ffb842
RGB Color: 255 184 66
Hex Color: #ffd73b
RGB Color: 255 215 59
  • #1b1f65
  • #ffb842
  • #ffd73b

Flipkart Plus color Palette Download

Download the Flipkart Plus color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Flipkart Plus Brand Colors

Flipkart Plus is a premium membership program offered by Flipkart, India's leading e-commerce marketplace. The program offers a variety of benefits to members, including early access to sales, exclusive deals, and faster deliveries.

The brand colors of Flipkart Plus are yellow, blue, and black. These colors are used throughout the Flipkart Plus website and app, as well as in marketing materials.

Yellow is the primary color of Flipkart Plus. It is a vibrant and attention-grabbing color that is associated with excitement, happiness, and optimism. Yellow is also a very popular color in India, and it is often used to represent prosperity and good luck.

Blue is the secondary color of Flipkart Plus. It is a calming and reliable color that is associated with trust, security, and dependability. Blue is also a very popular color in India, and it is often used to represent the sky and the ocean.

Black is the tertiary color of Flipkart Plus. It is a powerful and sophisticated color that is associated with luxury, exclusivity, and power. Black is also a very popular color in India, and it is often used to represent authority and strength.

The combination of yellow, blue, and black creates a vibrant and dynamic brand identity for Flipkart Plus. These colors are used in a way that is both visually appealing and meaningful. The yellow represents the excitement and optimism of the program, the blue represents the trust and security of the program, and the black represents the exclusivity and power of the program.

The use of these colors is also consistent with the overall brand identity of Flipkart. Flipkart is a well-known and respected brand in India, and its brand colors are used to create a sense of familiarity and trust. The use of yellow, blue, and black in the Flipkart Plus brand colors helps to reinforce the connection between the two brands.

Overall, the brand colors of Flipkart Plus are well-chosen and effective. They are used in a way that is both visually appealing and meaningful, and they help to create a strong and memorable brand identity for the program.

Here are some of the psychological effects of the Flipkart Plus brand colors:

  • Yellow: Yellow is associated with happiness, optimism, and energy. It can also be seen as attention-grabbing and eye-catching.
  • Blue: Blue is associated with trust, reliability, and calmness. It can also be seen as a calming and relaxing color.
  • Black: Black is associated with power, luxury, and sophistication. It can also be seen as a mysterious and intriguing color.

The combination of these colors creates a brand identity that is both vibrant and sophisticated. It is a brand that is sure to attract attention and inspire confidence.