Florida Mayhem Colors

The Florida Mayhem colors are Florida Mayhem Sizzling Sunrise, Florida Mayhem American Red, Florida Mayhem Black, we recommend using the Florida Mayhem color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. Florida Mayhem Official Website

Florida Mayhem color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #fedb00
RGB Color: 254 219 0
Hex Color: #af272f
RGB Color: 175 39 47
Hex Color: #000000
RGB Color: 0 0 0
  • #fedb00
  • #af272f
  • #000000

Florida Mayhem color Palette Download

Download the Florida Mayhem color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

Florida Mayhem: A Brand Relaunch in Pink and Teal

The Florida Mayhem is an Overwatch League team based in Miami, Florida. The team was founded in 2017 and originally had a yellow and red color scheme. However, in 2020, the team decided to rebrand and adopt a new color scheme of pink, teal, and black.

The new color scheme was inspired by the 1980s Miami Vice television show. The show was known for its vibrant colors and stylish aesthetic, and the Mayhem wanted to create a similar look for their brand. The pink and teal colors are both associated with the Miami area, and the black color provides a touch of sophistication.

The rebrand was a success, and the Mayhem's new colors were well-received by fans. The team's jerseys and merchandise sold well, and the new look helped to make the Mayhem one of the most popular teams in the Overwatch League.

The Mayhem's new colors have also had a positive impact on the team's performance. In the 2020 season, the Mayhem reached the finals of the May Melee tournament, and they finished the season with a record of 14 wins and 7 losses. The team's new look has helped to give them a more confident and aggressive identity, and it has contributed to their recent success.

The Florida Mayhem's brand colors are a bold and eye-catching combination that perfectly represents the team's identity. The pink, teal, and black colors are both stylish and sophisticated, and they help to create a unique and memorable look for the team. The rebrand was a successful move for the Mayhem, and it has helped to make them one of the most popular teams in the Overwatch League.

Here are some of the benefits of the Florida Mayhem's new brand colors:

  • The colors are more eye-catching and memorable than the previous yellow and red color scheme.
  • The colors are more closely associated with the Miami area, which is where the team is based.
  • The colors are more stylish and sophisticated, which helps to give the team a more confident and aggressive identity.
  • The rebrand has been a success with fans, who have responded positively to the new colors.

Overall, the Florida Mayhem's new brand colors have been a positive change for the team. The colors are more eye-catching, memorable, and stylish, and they have helped to give the team a more confident and aggressive identity. The rebrand has been a success with fans, and it has helped to make the Mayhem one of the most popular teams in the Overwatch League.