FNB Corporation Colors

The FNB Corporation colors are FNB Corporation Ateneo Blue, FNB Corporation Alabama Crimson, we recommend using the FNB Corporation color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. FNB Corporation Official Website

FNB Corporation color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #003876
RGB Color: 0 56 118
Hex Color: #a80532
RGB Color: 168 5 50
  • #003876
  • #a80532

FNB Corporation color Palette Download

Download the FNB Corporation color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

FNB Corporation Brand Colors: A Symbol of Trust, Stability, and Innovation

FNB Corporation is a financial services holding company headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The company has a long history dating back to 1864, and it is now one of the largest bank holding companies in the United States. FNB Corporation's brand colors are blue, yellow, and white. These colors are used throughout the company's branding materials, including its logo, website, and marketing collateral.

The color blue is often associated with trust, stability, and reliability. These are all qualities that FNB Corporation wants to convey to its customers. The color yellow is associated with optimism, happiness, and energy. These qualities are also important to FNB Corporation, as they want to be seen as a forward-thinking and innovative company. The color white is often associated with cleanliness, purity, and simplicity. These qualities are also reflected in FNB Corporation's brand, as the company strives to provide its customers with a simple and easy-to-use banking experience.

The combination of blue, yellow, and white is a powerful one. These colors work together to create a sense of trust, stability, innovation, and simplicity. This is the perfect combination of qualities for a financial services company, and it is no wonder that FNB Corporation has chosen these colors as its brand colors.

In addition to the colors blue, yellow, and white, FNB Corporation also uses the color red in its branding materials. The color red is often associated with passion, energy, and excitement. These qualities are also important to FNB Corporation, as they want to be seen as a company that is passionate about its customers and its products.

The use of red in FNB Corporation's branding is a subtle way to add a touch of excitement and energy to the company's overall brand. The red color is used sparingly, so that it does not overwhelm the other colors in the brand. However, when it is used, it is used to great effect.

The brand colors of FNB Corporation are a carefully chosen combination of colors that reflect the company's values and goals. These colors work together to create a sense of trust, stability, innovation, simplicity, and excitement. This is the perfect combination of qualities for a financial services company, and it is no wonder that FNB Corporation has chosen these colors as its brand colors.

Here are some of the psychology behind the use of FNB Corporation's brand colors:

  • Blue: Blue is often associated with trust, stability, and reliability. These are all qualities that FNB Corporation wants to convey to its customers.
  • Yellow: Yellow is associated with optimism, happiness, and energy. These qualities are also important to FNB Corporation, as they want to be seen as a forward-thinking and innovative company.
  • White: White is often associated with cleanliness, purity, and simplicity. These qualities are also reflected in FNB Corporation's brand, as the company strives to provide its customers with a simple and easy-to-use banking experience.
  • Red: Red is often associated with passion, energy, and excitement. These qualities are also important to FNB Corporation, as they want to be seen as a company that is passionate about its customers and its products.

Overall, the brand colors of FNB Corporation are a carefully chosen combination of colors that reflect the company's values and goals. These colors work together to create a sense of trust, stability, innovation, simplicity, and excitement. This is the perfect combination of qualities for a financial services company, and it is no wonder that FNB Corporation has chosen these colors as its brand colors.