FreightCenter Colors

The FreightCenter colors are FreightCenter Chinese Orange, FreightCenter Arsenic, we recommend using the FreightCenter color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. FreightCenter Official Website

FreightCenter color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #e86d3b
RGB Color: 232 109 59
Hex Color: #414242
RGB Color: 65 66 66
  • #e86d3b
  • #414242

FreightCenter color Palette Download

Download the FreightCenter color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

FreightCenter Brand Colors: A Symbol of Trust, Reliability, and Efficiency

FreightCenter is a leading freight shipping company that provides businesses with a simple and affordable way to ship their goods. The company's brand colors play an important role in communicating its core values of trust, reliability, and efficiency.

The primary FreightCenter brand color is blue. Blue is a calming and trustworthy color that is often associated with security and stability. It is also a color that is often used in the transportation industry, as it is seen as a symbol of reliability.

The secondary FreightCenter brand color is green. Green is a color that is associated with growth, freshness, and new beginnings. It is also a color that is often associated with environmental sustainability, which is something that FreightCenter is committed to.

The tertiary FreightCenter brand colors are white and black. White is a color that is associated with cleanliness, simplicity, and clarity. Black is a color that is associated with power, sophistication, and authority.

When used together, these colors create a brand identity that is both trustworthy and efficient. The blue color provides a sense of calm and stability, while the green color suggests growth and freshness. The white and black colors add a touch of sophistication and authority.

The FreightCenter brand colors are a powerful tool that helps the company communicate its core values to its customers. By using these colors, FreightCenter is able to create a positive and memorable impression that encourages businesses to choose its services.

How FreightCenter Uses Its Brand Colors in Its Marketing

FreightCenter uses its brand colors in a variety of ways in its marketing materials. The company's website prominently features its blue and green colors, and these colors are also used in its advertising campaigns. FreightCenter's social media pages also use its brand colors to create a cohesive and consistent brand identity.

The company's use of brand colors is effective in communicating its core values to its target audience. The blue color creates a sense of trust and reliability, while the green color suggests growth and freshness. These colors help to position FreightCenter as a leading freight shipping company that is committed to providing its customers with the best possible service.


FreightCenter's brand colors are an important part of its overall branding strategy. The company uses these colors to communicate its core values of trust, reliability, and efficiency. The blue and green colors are used prominently in the company's marketing materials, and they help to create a positive and memorable impression for potential customers.

If you are looking for a freight shipping company that you can trust, FreightCenter is a great option. The company's use of brand colors helps to communicate its commitment to providing its customers with the best possible service.