General Society of Surveillance (SGS) Colors

The General Society of Surveillance (SGS) colors are SGS Sonic Silver, SGS Vivid Tangelo, we recommend using the General Society of Surveillance (SGS) color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, and Hex for web HTML/CSS. General Society of Surveillance (SGS) Official Website

General Society of Surveillance (SGS) color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Hex Color: #77787b
RGB Color: 119 120 123
Hex Color: #f36f21
RGB Color: 243 111 33
  • #77787b
  • #f36f21

General Society of Surveillance (SGS) color Palette Download

Download the General Society of Surveillance (SGS) color scheme palette image with the color hex codes as a single image. These are the suggested colors to be used for digital media.

The SGS Brand Colors: A Symbol of Control and Surveillance

The General Society of Surveillance (SGS) is a private security company that specializes in surveillance and intelligence gathering. The company's brand colors are black, white, and gray. These colors are often associated with power, control, and surveillance.

The color black is often seen as a symbol of power and authority. It is also associated with darkness, secrecy, and mystery. The color white is often seen as a symbol of purity, cleanliness, and innocence. However, in the context of the SGS, the color white can also be seen as a symbol of deception and manipulation. The color gray is often seen as a symbol of neutrality, indifference, and anonymity. However, in the context of the SGS, the color gray can also be seen as a symbol of surveillance and control.

The SGS's use of these colors is a deliberate attempt to create a sense of power and control. The black and white colors create a stark and imposing visual identity that is difficult to ignore. The gray color adds a touch of neutrality and anonymity, which helps to disguise the company's true intentions.

The SGS's brand colors are a powerful symbol of the company's values. They represent the company's desire for power, control, and surveillance. These colors are a warning to those who would dare to challenge the SGS: they will be watched, they will be controlled, and they will be punished.

The Psychology of Color

The psychology of color is a complex and fascinating topic. Different colors can evoke different emotions and associations in people. For example, the color red is often associated with passion, anger, and danger. The color blue is often associated with peace, calm, and serenity.

The SGS's use of black, white, and gray colors is a deliberate attempt to evoke certain emotions in people. The black color is often associated with power, authority, and control. The white color is often associated with purity, innocence, and cleanliness. The gray color is often associated with neutrality, indifference, and anonymity.

The SGS's brand colors are a powerful tool that the company uses to manipulate people's emotions. The colors create a sense of power and control, which helps the company to intimidate and control its targets.


The SGS's brand colors are a powerful symbol of the company's values. They represent the company's desire for power, control, and surveillance. These colors are a warning to those who would dare to challenge the SGS: they will be watched, they will be controlled, and they will be punished.